Ajaran Konfusianisme Pdf

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Ajaran Konfusianisme Pdf 4,5/5 6303 reviews Memuat fusi ataupun sintesis kompleksitas inti ajaran-ajaran teologis dari Konfusianisme, Buddhisme, dan Taoisme yang diinterpretasikan kembali dan dikombinasikan dengan pemikiran Barat. Tinjauan sejarah ajaran Konfusianisme bahwa Konfusius adalah orang yang mudah bergaul dan selalu tampak gembira, halus dan teliti, hormat, menghargai orang lain. Ajarannya mengenai hal kesusialaan, Konfusius menekankan perasaan berkawan atau timbal-balik, penanaman rasa simpati dan kerja sama, yang harus dimulai dari lingkungan keluarga.

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Ajaran Konfusianisme PdfAjaran Konfusianisme Pdf
  • Disparitions

    A psychological mystery thriller from Natsuo Kirino.
  • What Remains

    A 10 year old girl is kidnapped on her way home from ballet class. Her abductor makes no ransom demand; instead he keeps her prisoner above the factory where he works. Keiko Kitamura endures degradation and squalor but never gives up hope, and a year pass
  • The Goddess Chronicle

    From internationally bestselling crime writer Natsuo Kirino comes a mythical feminist noir about family secrets, broken loyalties, and the search from truth in a deceitful world.In a place like no other, on a mystical island in the shape of tear drop, two
  • Real World

    A stunning new work of the feminist noir that Natsuo Kirino defined and made her own in her novels Out and Grotesque.In a crowded residential suburb on the outskirts of Tokyo, four teenage girls indifferently wade their way through a hot, smoggy summer an
Ajaran konfusianisme pdf free

Ajaran Konfusianisme Pdf Download

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Ajaran Konfusianisme Pdf Ppt


Ajaran Konfusianisme Pdf File

  • Disparitions

    A psychological mystery thriller from Natsuo Kirino.
  • What Remains

    A 10 year old girl is kidnapped on her way home from ballet class. Her abductor makes no ransom demand; instead he keeps her prisoner above the factory where he works. Keiko Kitamura endures degradation and squalor but never gives up hope, and a year pass
  • The Goddess Chronicle

    From internationally bestselling crime writer Natsuo Kirino comes a mythical feminist noir about family secrets, broken loyalties, and the search from truth in a deceitful world.In a place like no other, on a mystical island in the shape of tear drop, two
  • Real World

    A stunning new work of the feminist noir that Natsuo Kirino defined and made her own in her novels Out and Grotesque.In a crowded residential suburb on the outskirts of Tokyo, four teenage girls indifferently wade their way through a hot, smoggy summer an