Flatbook Profile Visitors Not Working

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This Workplace Visitor Policy template is ready to be tailored for your company’s needs and should be considered a starting point for setting up your employment policies. The Workplace Visitor Policy may also be referred to as a Company Visitor Policy.

  1. Outlook may not be working because you've encountered a bug that requires an update, or similarly an update may have errored and you need to have it fixed. The simplest fix could be your settings, which we'll walk you through checking as well, along with all the previously mentioned issues. How To Use This Guide.
  2. It works with the InitialChatFriendsList. To see this list, open your facebook profile, press ctrl+u to see the source code, then search for 'InitialChatFriendsList', without quotes. How the facebook organizes this list I don't know, but it's not a real 'profile visitors' feature.

Policy brief & purpose

Our Workplace Visitors policy outlines our rules for receiving visitors at our premises. We want to ensure that visitors will not:

  • Pose threats to our premises and property
  • Distract employees from their work
  • Be exposed to danger


This policy applies to all employees. “Workplace visitors” may refer to employees’ friends and family (referred to as personal visitors) contractors, external vendors, stakeholders and the public.

This policy does not refer to remote employees or employees from other company locations. To ensure safety at work, employees who are on parental leave may enter our premises with visitor passes.

Policy elements

The following rules apply for all kinds of visitors:

  • Visitors should sign in at the [reception/ gate/ front-office] and show some form of identification.
  • Visitors will receive passess and return them to [reception/ gate/ front-office] once the visit is over.
  • Employees must always tend to their visitors while they are inside our premises.
  • Our internet usage, data protection and confidentiality policies temporarily cover our visitors while they are on company premises. They must not misuse our internet connection, disclose confidential information or take photographs of restricted areas. If they don’t conform, they may be escorted out or face prosecution if appropriate.

Visitors are allowed during working hours. After-hours visitors must have written authorization from [HR/management.]

What is the policy for personal visitors in the workplace?

As a general rule, employees may not allow access to our buildings to unauthorized personal visitors. We can make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. Employees may bring visitors to company events or after obtaining authorization from [HR/ Security Officer/ Office manager.] To avoid confusion or misunderstanding, authorization should be in writing. [HR/ Security Officer/ Office manager] may also give verbal authorization, when appropriate, but must also inform reception and security guards.

Common areas, like lobbies, may be open to visitors. We advise our employees to only permit visitors in those areas for a short time and for specific reasons. Employees are responsible for accompanying any of their underage visitors at all times.

Contractors and service vendors

Contractors, suppliers and service vendors, like IT technicians and plumbers, can enter our premises only to complete their job duties. Front-desk employees are responsible for providing contractors and vendors with badges and for instructing them to wear those badges at all times on our premises.

Other kinds of visitors

Our company may occasionally accept the following types of visitors:

  • Students
  • Investors
  • Customers
  • Job candidates
  • Business partners

Those visitors should receive written authorization from HR or management before entering our premises. They should always be accompanied by an employee while on company property.


In accordance with our non-solicitation policy, visitors must not try to proselytize employees, gather donations or request participation in activities while on our premises. Any visitors who violate this policy may be escorted out.


Anyone who delivers orders, mail or packages for employees should remain at the building’s reception or gate. [Front office employees/ security guards] are responsible for notifying the employee who expects the delivery. If that employee is unable to receive their order, front office employees may accept the order on the employee’s behalf upon request.

Front-office personnel must sign for and disseminate all business orders and mail.

Large deliveries (e.g. supplies) should be delivered to designated spaces (e.g. warehouses.) Security guards should check appropriate documents, like bills of lading, before allowing access to delivery vehicles.

Dangerous or restricted areas

Employees may not bring or accept visitors in areas where there are dangerous machines or chemicals, confidential records or sensitive equipment.

Representatives of regulatory bodies and stakeholders (e.g. investors) may be exempted, if they have received official authorization from [HR/ Security Officer/ Office manager.] In these cases, employees should provide visitors with the necessary badges and protective equipment to enter premises when needed.

Unauthorized visitors

Security staff who spot unauthorized visitors may ask them to leave. Visitors who misbehave (e.g. engage in hate speech, cause disruption or steal property) will be asked to leave and prosecuted if appropriate.

Employees who spot unauthorized visitors may refer them to [security/office manager.]

Disciplinary Action

Employees who violate this policy may face disciplinary consequences in proportion to their violation. HR will determine how serious an employee’s offense is and take the appropriate action:

  • For minor violations (e.g. bringing in personal visitors without authorization), employees may only receive verbal reprimands.
  • For more serious violations (e.g. bringing in unauthorized visitors who rob or damage company property), employees may face severe disciplinary actions up to and including termination.
Disclaimer: This policy template is meant to provide general guidelines and should be used as a reference. It may not take into account all relevant local, state or federal laws and is not a legal document. Neither the author nor Workable will assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this policy.

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When a visitor to your Facebook Page posts a photo, video or text/post, it does not show up in the main feed the same way as your own postings do. Instead, it is buried off to the side under “Posts by visitor”. Many Facebook page admins wish visitor posts could show up in the feed – you can see here, here and here. This is by design. When this post is something positive, you’d love for it to show up on your page’s main feed/wall. But what if it was something negative? Would you want that to automatically show up on your feed? Facebook page owners would likely take an opposite approach “Why are you automatically showing this stuff on my page?” Either way, the ability to share a Facebook visitor post is not a direct option. But there is an indirect way to get it to show up by “sharing” it back onto your main feed by “sharing” the post onto your feed.

How To Share A Facebook Visitor Post on your Facebook Page (Desktop)

This tutorial is shown using the Desktop version from your web browser. This works on Mobile too. Click here to view the mobile instructions.

1. Navigate to the “Visitor Posts” section on your page. As of this writing it is in the right hand column. (It’s moved around over time as Facebook has changed up the page layout)

2. Get to the actual post itself by clicking on the Date/Time section of the post (It’s a hyperlink so you’ll see your cursor change) This will take you to the actual post itself.

3. Click on the Share link. This opens up the sharing dialog box.

NOTE: Because you are interacting with this post as you (the personal profile) it will default to “Share on your own timeline”. This would be a bit silly if you shared some random post from someone you don’t know onto your own timeline. Your friends may look at you funny. (Of course, you can share to your own timeline and there may be good reason to if you’re highlighting product or service which you are intimately involved with and you want to share with your friends. But if you’re managing someone else’s page, you wouldn’t want to do this.)

4. Select Share on a Page you manage option from the dropdown.

5. Now, craft a good message. “Best of luck!” “Thank you for the kudos!” etc. Do not turn it into a self-promotion call to action, sales pitch. Users do not respond well to those. Remember, you are speaking on behalf of your page (brand, company, etc.) and this is a “public shout out” onto your page.

Congrats, your Facebook visitor post is now on your feed as a new and separate post. BONUS: You can even take it a step further and “boost” it and run paid ads against it.

IMPORTANT: You should be aware that you are publicizing and amplifying someone’s comments, photo(s), video(s). Even more so if you are going to run ads against it. Granted, the users post is public by nature (otherwise, it wouldn’t show up on a Page’s Visitor Posts section) but still, a user may not be fully aware of this. They also may not be aware that you’re going to amplify his/her post in such a way. You could reach out to the user and ask permission first, but that can be burdensome and time consuming.

Also, there used to be a “Highlight Post” feature on visitor posts, but that has been removed.

How to Share Visitor Posts from Mobile Apps

UPDATE: 8/12/19 – You can also share visitor posts to your pages wall from the mobile app as well. But keep in mind that there are Two (2) variations depending whether you are using the Facebook App, or the Pages App. Either way, the approach is the same, just different steps.

Using the native Facebook App

Flatbook Profile Visitors Not Working Remotely

This means you’re using the regular Facebook app, and that you’re an Admin of the page.

  1. At the top navigation bar, swipe over to “Community” which shows you Visitor Posts
  2. Find the post you want to share, and click on the “Share” button below the post.
  3. Write your caption, shout-out or whatever.

Swipe the top navigation bar to the “Community” section. Find the post you want to share, and click the Share button.

Using the Pages App


It’s the same approach, just a different spot. Using the Pages app, you will have a dedicated section (row) that is called “Visitor Posts”, similar to the desktop.

  1. Using the “Pages” App, Scroll to the “Visitor Posts” Section
  2. Find the post you want to share and click the “Share” button.
  3. Ensure that the Location at the top is set to your page. (It should default to the same page you started with) Write your caption, shout-out or whatever it is you want to say. IMPORTANT – Make sure you say *something* – even if it’s a thank you to the visitor. Don’t just blindly share the post w/o any context or anything to say. It’s lazy and doesn’t communicate what you’re really trying to say. Read more about how you can “Be More Social” with your page.

Using the “Pages” App, Scroll to the “Visitor Posts” Section

Flatbook Profile Visitors Not Working Abroad

Find the post you want to share and click the “Share” button.

Flatbook Profile Visitors Not Working At Home

Ensure that the Location at the top is set to your page. (It should default to the same page you started with) Write your caption, shout-out or whatever it is you want to say. IMPORTANT – Make sure you say *something* – even if it’s a thank you to the visitor. Don’t just blindly share the post w/o any context or anything to say. It’s lazy and doesn’t communicate what you’re really trying to say.