Python Serial Read Timeout Example

  1. The following are 30 code examples for showing how to use serial.EIGHTBITS. These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
  2. Python Serial.readuntil - 4 examples found. These are the top rated real world Python examples of serial.Serial.readuntil extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples.
  3. Usage examples can be found in the examples where two TCP/IP - serial converters are shown, one using threads (the single port server) and an other using select (the multi port server). Note Each new client connection must create a new instance as this object (and the RFC 2217 protocol) has internal state.
  4. CGI example and TinyWeb weight together only 375 kb with Python 2.2!). Hint 3: When serving files (not CGI), TinyWeb uses Windows file extension Return type: bytes Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may return less characters as requested. Now I am trying to achieve the same thing using Python serial connector.

Interfacing with a RS232 serial device is a common task when using Python in embedded applications. The easiest way to get python talking to serial ports is use the pyserial project found at This module works on most platforms and is straightforward to use (see examples on project web site). However, getting the read function in this module to operate in an optimal way takes a little study and thought. This article investigates how the pyserial module works, possible issues you might encounter, and how to optimize serial reads.

I want to make a Python script that will read from the serial port only every few seconds, so I want it to just see the last thing sent from the Arduino. How do you do this in Pyserial? Here's the code I tried which doesn't work. It reads the lines sequentially. Ser = serial.Serial('com4',9600,timeout=1) while 1.

We start out with several goals as to how we want the application to behave in relation to the serial port:

Python Serial Read Time Out Example Pdf

  • application must block while waiting for data.
  • for performance reasons, we want to read decent size chunks of data at a time if possible. Python function calls are expensive, so performance will be best if we can read more than one byte at a time.
  • We want any data received returned in a timely fashion.

A key parameter in the pyserial Serial class is the timeout parameter. This parameter is defined as:

Python Pyserial Read Example


The Serial class read function also accepts a size parameter that indicates how many characters should be read. Below is the source for the read function on Posix systems (Linux, etc):

The easy way to use this module is to simply set the timeout to None, and read size to 1. This will return any data received immediately. But, this setup is very inefficient when transferring large amounts of data due to the Python processing overhead.

To meet our goal of reading multi-byte blocks of data at a time, we need to pass the read function a size greater than 1. However, if timeout is set to None, the read will block until size bytes have been read, which does not meet the goal of returning any data read in a timely fashion. The solution then is to:

Python Serial Read Time Out Example Free

  • set the read size high enough to get good performance
  • set the timeout low enough so that any data received is returned in a reasonable timeframe, but yet the application spends most of its time blocked if there is no data.

Python Serial Read Timeout

As an example, a size of 1000 and a timeout of 1 second seems to perform well. When used this way, the pyserial module performs well and returns all data read quickly.